As I had been spending many extra hours and lots of late nights preparing the new website over the last month or so, I had found myself sliding into some rather bad health habits. One bad habit seemed to very quickly multiply.... Lack of sleep = lack of energy = less exercise taken = more junk food eaten = less water intake = more coffee, wine etc😝. Before I knew it I was feeling pretty rubbish, body and mind!
I don’t know about you but this kind of behaviour creeps up on me every now and then and quite often around this time of year.
Luckily I have a little formula that I find helps me get back on track.
I Have a pint of hot water and fresh lemon and/or ginger first thing in the morning!
Morning Pilates!
Even just 10 mins spent connecting mind to body, calms me and helps me make better choices throughout the day. Always joined by Bob the dog of course! Best way to start the day!!
Joseph Pilates, himself, in his book 'Return to Life Through Contrology"said 'These exercises build a sturdy body and a sound mind fitted to perform every daily task with ease and perfection as well as to provide tremendous reserve energy for sports, recreation an emergencies.'
Keep hydrated! Simple but very easy to forget! (my friend Melanie of Soulistic Therapy wrote an excellent blog on this recently, worth a read.
That is the extent of my health kick for now! I find it much easier to stick to if I make only small changes at a time.
I have managed to start 4 out of 7 mornings like that this week and I already feel a lot better! I am more energised and feel able to cope with the day ahead and without even having to think about it, I have eaten and slept better too.
Perhaps next week I might be ready to make another small change or maybe I might just have to repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 yet again!😉